About www.golfcourseoverviews.com

Hello and welcome,

You have somehow stumbled upon my little hobby site www.golfcourseoverviews.com.

In my spare time I map out golf course and show the basic overview for individual holes of golf courses. I currently only have a few done because they are quite time consuming to do. I do plan on adding more though. It's just a matter of finding the time.

As you may have noticed the site is very Toronto-centric. That is because I live in Toronto and I am starting with courses that I have played for what I think are obvious reasons.

Please enjoy what is available and if you would like to see more overviews, hearing from you would definitely help motivate me to find time. Let me know what you think on the contact page.

If you came here looking for the old format and need help adjusting to the change I have left the old site viewable (in a slightly crippled way) at old.golfcourseoverviews.comto help ease you through the transition. This will never be fixed though and should really be considered retired. The Golf Tracker is being ported to Drupal 7 but may be a while but should still be usable (as "usable" as it ever was which wasn't much!).

